Day 50: Nonsense…

July 20, 2008

And now, for something TOTALLY unrelated to yoga (kinda).

I would just like to start by saying a few things. First of all, I LOVE my life. It’s beautiful and I have so much to be thankful for. So many blessings. Really. But there are some days that I really really really don’t like living in Texas in the summer.

Here’s where I link this rambling to yoga, and make it all worthwhile… er something like that..

Today I went to 4:30 class. Mostly because I was out very late and didn’t feel like dragging my tired self out of bed for a morning class. I did get to sleep late, which HALLELUJAH!! I needed. So off I went, in the heat, in the middle of the afternoon to the mall to seek out my daily dose of Awesome in the Hot Little Orange Room. I typically avoid going to the mall at that time of the day on Sunday (for various reasons too grand in scope to mention). But off I went, in sweltering temperatures, eager for my yoga.

Maybe this is about yoga.

Anyway, I was running a bit late. Not terribly late. But late for me. Late, like, I won’t have time to sit in the steam shower for 15 minutes late… I know, cry me a river. So, en lieu of my non-existent lateness I decided to park in the boonies and not drive around and find a close parking space.

I parked and walked. Typically, the walk isn’t so bad. I don’t mind the walk at all. It’s not that far. But today, oh ho ho! The walk, the hot, sweaty walk. The walk that deposited me at BYTW with a shirt so drenched with sweat I looked as though I had already TAKEN a Bikram class.

Stupid heat.

I didn’t like the walk.

I did like the class. It was nice, I kicked out in Standing Forehead to Knee for HELLO! the FIRST TIME EVER. Seeing as how THAT only took me two and a half years to do, you can expect me to touch my forehead to my knee sometime around my 35th birthday. (I’m 29)

So friends, the moral of my really lame story is this. Heat in the yoga room? GOOD! Heat in the late July Texas summer? BAD, very very bad.

